Letter to the Editor
Lower Yellowstone Chapter of A.B.A.T.E. would like to thank everyone that helped with another successful toy drive. Many people and businesses contributed to this worthwhile endeavor. We donate all of the proceeds from this toy drive to the ’Gifts From The Heart” program, which are then distributed to families at the Masonic Temple. We are so lucky to live in our great community. Richland County, you rock! Please thank and support these great businesses as they have supported us.
Ace Hardware, API, American Welding & Gas, Amunrud’s RV, Armstrong Law Office, B&B Builders, Big Sky Siding & Windows, Blue Rock-Pepsi, Border Steel, CW Molloy Trucking, Carquest, Club Tavern, The Coffee Stop, Craig’s Meats, Cross Petroleum, Fink Family Chiropractic, Frontier Heating, Gulliver’s Restaurant, Hodge Cleaning Service, Jerry Z Repairs, Johnson Hardware and Furniture, KB Bubbles, LYREC, M3 Meats, MT Bear Cave, Operation Round-up, Party Central, Prairie Electric, Prewitt & Co, The Parlour, Reynolds’ Market, Richland Pump and Supply, The Rush, Sidney Body Shop, Sidney Red-E-Mix, State A.B.A.T.E., State Farm Insurance-Morasko, Sunny’s Family Restaurant, TNT Well Service, Tractor Supply, Tri-County Implement, Westmoreland, VFW, Yellowstone Valley Greenhouse, Q2 Artificial Lift, Eagle Country Ford, Olson Plumbing, Sidney Carburetor & Electric, JP Grills, Sidney Eye Care, SAIA, Kraken Oil & Gas, PCS Insulation, Screen Play, Planet Hair, Les Schwab Tire, Miller’s Corner, Misty The Groomer, Jack & Jackie Damm, Kathy & Fran Helmuth, Brent & Linda Kollman, Pat & Dee Hamburg, Beth Iken, Kirby & Kelly Feldman, Rolf & Rita Jacobsen, Brandi MacGrady, Ashley Harris and Linda Iverson.
With all the help and generosity from our community we were able to assist 168 families 438 children for the Holidays.
- Maria Hodge
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