North Dakota State University Extension will again host the Field to Fork webinar series starting February 2025.
The Field to Fork Wednesday webinars will begin Feb. 12. The webinars will be held online from 2-3 p.m. through May 7.
Experts from across the region will provide information about growing, preserving and preparing specialty-crop fruits and vegetables safely in this 10th annual webinar series.
The webinars are free of charge, but pre-registration is required. The webinars will be held on Zoom. Register on the Field to Fork website at Participants will be sent reminder emails with the link.
The webinars also will be archived for later viewing, but participating in the live webinar allows participants to interact with the presenter.
This series is an ongoing collaborative effort with the North Central Food Safety Extension Network which includes experts from NDSU and around the region.
Julie Garden-Robinson, NDSU Extension food and nutrition specialist, says that when the first Field to Fork webinar series started 10 years ago, online webinars were still relatively new.
"People were not routinely participating in online webinars," says Garden-Robinson. "We needed to explain about how to use the online platform."
Topics that will be covered:
Feb. 12: How to Start Your Own Flower and Vegetable Transplants Indoors - Don Kinzler, Extension horticulture agent, NDSU
Feb. 19: Anatomy of a Food Recall - Bryon Chaves, Extension associate professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Feb. 26: Growing Tips for Summer and Winter Squash - Tom Kalb, Extension horticulturist, NDSU
March 5: Let's Preserve Salsa (Live Demonstration) - Julie Garden-Robinson, Extension food and nutrition specialist and professor, NDSU
March 12: The Science Behind Indoor Plant Lighting - Esther McGinnis, Extension horticulturist and associate professor, NDSU
March 19: Pickling Safety - Cindy Brison, Extension educator, University of Nebraska
March 26: Tips and Tricks for Vegetable Production - Susie Thompson, associate professor and potato breeder, NDSU
April 2: Plant Pathology 101: Common Plant Diseases - Sam Markell, professor and interim plant pathology department chair, NDSU
April 9: All About Alliums: Garlic, Green Onion, Dry Bulb Onion, Leeks and Shallots - Harlene Hatterman-Valenti, professor, NDSU
April 16: Ghosts in Your Gardens - Janet Knodel, Extension entomologist and professor, NDSU
April 30: Food Preservation Toolkit - Karen Blakeslee, Extension associate, Kansas State University
May 7: Healthy Soil, Healthy Food - Carlos Pires, Extension soil health specialist and assistant professor, NDSU
This project is made possible with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Marketing Service.
To register, visit NDSU Extension's website at or contact Garden-Robinson at 701-231-7187 or [email protected].
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