Guest Opinion - Repke: Right Choice For Montana

As a candidate for State Auditor, I know very well how challenging it is to raise the profile of the office. It is an important office that has a direct impact on all Montanans, but a lot of folks don’t know much about it. Per Montana law, the purpose of the office is to ‘protect Montana insurance consumers.’ My campaign is focused on that role and my qualification for the position based on four decades of ethical business experience.

Unfortunately, my opponent is running on lies and issues unrelated to the Montana State Auditor’s office. This is a blatant and dishonest effort to mislead voters.

My opponent lied to you in a fundraising letter stating that I have spent a majority of my time in Montana “attacking private industry”. He just made that up. I have only ever worked in private industry including for a timber products manufacturer in Columbia Falls and I have mentored and educated small business owners through economic development organizations in NW Montana. I even invested in some.

Now he is campaigning on national political issues for an office responsible for insurance regulation in Montana, with no other purpose than to distract the voters (maybe from his approval of a 28% increase in electric rates for NW Energy customers.)

It’s hard to imagine that anyone could trust someone to do the serious work of protecting Montana insurance consumers and preventing fraud, when he is willing to deceive you for your vote – and you shouldn’t be surprised if he does nothing but pursue his own personal political objectives if he ends up in the office.

I am running because I am tired of this nonsense. This type of campaigning is exactly what is wrong with our politics. The weaker candidate, who has run for multiple offices while holding a state job that you are paying for, wants to stay on the government dole and knows that he must blow smoke to do it. It’s an insult to Montana voters. Character matters, and at least I believe, Montanans want a straight shooter.

Unlike my opponent, I’m a father and grandfather who cares about the future of Montana. Further, I have never been a lobbyist, and I never worked for out of state dark money groups. And unlike recent officeholders and the track record of my opponent in his current state job, I will work on your behalf, full-time for all four years. I spent my career doing honest, hard work in private business and I have exactly what it takes to do this job – for you.

I ask for your vote – because we can do better.

John Repke, Democratic candidate for State Auditor


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