Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor,

Montanans cannot afford to continue Elsie Arntzen’s bumbling leadership of the Montana Office of Public Instruction by voting in her deputy superintendent. Remember, auditors of THEIR OPI found that Elsie and her staff were unable to account for $ 67.5 million dollars of federal funding. In addition, the current leaders at OPI have supported “school choice” which means your tax dollars will go to private schools not toward providing your children a quality education we all expect from Montana schools. It does not make sense to take money away from public schools, when we cannot currently attract certified teachers because Montana ranks 51st in teacher salaries. That means we are behind all 50 states and the District of Columbia. So how do we fix it? The first and most important step is to vote for someone who will support public education. Shannon O’Brien’s experience as a teacher, coach, parent, Dean of Missoula College and legislator has prepared her to lead Montana’s public schools as Superintendent of Public instruction.

Whether you have voted red or blue in the past, it is time to vote for the person who will competently lead the Office of Public Instruction. Your children and grandchildren as well as the future of Montana public education are depending on you.

Janet Martineau

Sidney MT


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