City Of Sidney Adds Hockey Parking Lot Improvements To SLIPA Grant Proposals

Representatives from Richland Rangers Youth Hockey chose an opportune time to attend the Sidney Council meeting Monday, Sept. 16. Their request to the city was for the repair of the parking lot at the hockey facility which they said, and others agreed, was getting very bad. Public Works Director Jeff Hintz stated that he would look at the lot to see what needed to be done.

A public hearing followed during which there were no comments concerning the proposal of requesting SLIPA grant money for the city shops, and rehab of bike paths and SMV trails. Following closure of the public meeting, the possibility of adding the hockey parking lot to the list was discussed. Council approved combining that project with the city shops as the top priority staying within the dollar amount originally proposed.

The city council awarded the contract for the Anderson Subdivision storm water project to Strata Corporation, Williston. That is expected to be substantially complete by Oct. 11, 2024. Council also approved resolution #3944 detailing the Capital Improvement Plan.

They also approved City Clerk/Treasurer Jessica Chamberlin’s request to sign with Clear Gov, an accounting program to be used for operational and personnel budgeting. She explained that the programs will save time, help prevent errors and allow more training opportunities for deputies in the office.


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