SHS Class Of 1994 To Celebrate Class Reunion Aug. 2-3

The Sidney High School Class of 1994 will be holding a class reunion event Friday, Aug. 2 at the Sidney Country Club.

The evening will begin at 5 p.m. with a social hour, followed by a dinner at 6 p.m. and live music from 7-10 p.m.

Dinner options are prime rib or grilled chicken. Please RSVP by Facebook to Sarah LaFountain-Faiman, Kim Lange-Bright, Karmen Lange-Schmierer, Jody Wells or Kristi Stouf-Barnett with what you and your date plan to eat.

Saturday, Aug. 3, a tour of Sidney Senior High School is scheduled from noon-2 p.m. followed by a yardy from 2-5 p.m. at Sarah’s house.

We will provide light snacks, water, Capri Sun, soda and some fun ‘90s mixed drinks at the yardy. Please bring any beer or special drink of your choosing. Families are welcome and we have a variety of yard games, bounce house, play house, sandbox, swings, etc. for entertainment.


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