Sidney Health Center Cancer Center Expansion

The Sidney Health Center Cancer Center recently conducted a tour of the new expansion of the cancer center. One that has roughly costed $10 million that started in 2022 but now has been completed with new treatment rooms, as well as some new technology to help patients with various conditions. With this new expansion they were able to add a Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber. A medical procedure that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber to treat various conditions. The increased air pressure helps the lungs absorb more oxygen but also helps the oxygen get into the rest of the body's organs. This treatment can help treat radiation injuries, bone infections, skin wounds, diabetic foot and leg wounds, burns, crush injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, and gangrene. It is also used for infections in which tissues are starved for oxygen. When you go for an infusion, it takes roughly two hours for treatment. While being treated Ashley Bravin, Cancer Center RN, will be walking you through the treatment along with other nurses that work hard to make these treatments as comfortable as possible.

The Cancer Center was also able to get a device for treatment called an Optune device. Now Optune is made of strips of electrodes that cover a patient's shaved head. The electrodes create low-intensity, alternating electrical fields that are designed to slow the growth of cancer cells. Optune can also shrink the tumor, which reduces pressure on areas of the brain where the tumor is located, thus alleviating symptoms such as headaches, nausea, memory loss, and changes in personality. This device is hard to come by and normally patients were sent to Billings to get the Optune device treatment, but now Sidney's cancer center was able to get the funds to bring this device in so patients could be treated in Sidney.

One of the newest devices they received was a machine known as the Radiact that is not only an MRI machine but can also work as a CT scan for patients. With this new machine they can do two things at once. The center is able to now take a normally 3-6 minute treatment down to a 1-2 minute treatment which is allowing doctor Ralf Kiehl, MD, to see patients even more in a day since treatment time takes about 15 minutes now to be seen. This machine allows doctor Ralf to really focus on parts of the body that have been affected by cancer and minimize that area so patients can go longer without returning for another treatment.

While you are being treated there will always be two different therapists monitoring the treatment thoroughly during your visit so if something alarming pops up on the scan during the treatment they are right there to catch it and address it.

If you are needing an infusion the cancer center has gone above and beyond to make sure you are as comfortable as possible. Dr. Franks and Dr Pierce, will be the ones to tend to you as well as the nurses on standby to help with the infusion process. While there you can either sit by the sun during your treatment or get a private room


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Rendered 07/09/2024 12:02