Rau School Board Meeting Monday, July 15 at 5pm at the Rau School Library

BOARD MEETING: Monday – July 15, 2024 – 5:00 PM – Rau School Library

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Consent Agenda

a. Disposition of Minutes

b. Claims & Payroll Warrants

c. Staff Leave

d. Voided Checks

e. Stockman Bank of MT – Bank Statement

IV. Guest (s)

V. Personnel

VI. Correspondence

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Supervising Teacher Report

IX. Richland County Superintendent of Schools Report

a. 2024-2025 PIR Schedule

b. MTSBA Policies – 2000; 2410F – Graduate Profile

X. Financials / Budget

a. June Financials

b. End of FY 2024

c. Clerk Report

XI. Old Business

a. Maintenance / Project Updates

b. Final Policy 3141 – Non Resident Student Enrollment

XII. New Business

a. Out of District Attendance Agreement (1)

b. Schedule Budget Meeting – Monday, August 12, 2024

i. Preliminary Budget

c. Prairie View Special Service Cooperative - $26,608.19

d. Teacher Arrangement Between Rau Board of Trustees

e. Parent Student Handbook

f. Adult Meal Price

i. Staff Earned Meals

g. Disposal of Property Resolution

h. Classified Staff Contracts

i. Health Insurance Stipend Requirements Classified Staff


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