Rau School Board Meeting Monday, June 24, at 5pm at the Rau School Library

BOARD MEETING: Monday – June 24, 2024 – 5:00 PM – Rau School Library

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Swear in New Trustee & Reorganization of Board

IV. Consent Agenda

a. Disposition of Minutes

b. Claims & Payroll Warrants

c. Staff Leave

d. Voided Checks

e. Stockman Bank of MT – Bank Statement

V. Guest (s)

a. Ryan Kopp – Interstate Engineering – Emergent Contaminants Grant - DEQ

b. Brian & Kadin LeFors – L & L Buses

i. Bus Contract Approval

VI. Personnel

a. New Hire

i. Custodian

b. Terminations

i. Grace Germann

VII. Correspondence

VIII. Public Comment

IX. Supervising Teacher Report

X. Richland County Superintendent of Schools Report

a. MTSBA Policy 3141

b. Coalition of Advocates

XI. Financials / Budget

a. May Financials

b. Budget Amendment

c. Clerk Report

XII. Old Business

a. Maintenance / Project Updates

b. Prairie Electric - LYREC Grant - $17,992.99 – started 6.18.24

c. DEQ – RO System

d. MTSBA Policy Updates in May – Adopted 5.23.2024

XIII. New Business

a. Out of District Attendance Agreements

b. Strom & Associates – Audit Service – 3 Year Contract – FY 2024; 2025; 2026

c. MSGIA Worker’s Compensation Renewal

d. MSGIA Property & Liability Renewal

e. ND Shred – Record Disposal – 7.23.2024

f. Sidewalk to Playground East Door/ Sidewalk Crack Repair – Corland Construction

g. Black Mountain – Check Signer

h. Classified Staff - Benefits & Evaluations

i. Staff End of Year Bonus


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