Weston Hunter Benefit March 2, Alexander

The Alexander Fire Department is hosting a benefit for five year old Weston Hunter and his family on Saturday, March 2 at the Alexander Fire Hall beginning with a chili dinner from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. CST. A silent auction will run from 5:30-8 p.m. followed by a live auction beginning at 8:15 p.m. A cash bar will be onsite.

Weston is the son of Kyle and Jenae Hunter, both of whom serve on the Alexander Fire Department. He underwent two brain surgeries in January, the first for fluid on his brain and the second to stop some bleeding and remove a blood clot. According to his dad, Weston is recovering well and is back with his kindergarten class half days. He has also started physical, occupational and speech therapy.

The proceeds from the benefit will go towards medical bills and other expenses incurred over the last few weeks. An account has also been set up at First International Bank & Trust for monetary donations.

Auction items can be dropped off at City Hall in Alexander. For more information or to donate auction items, contact Lance Powell at 701-770-1485 or Martin Helminen at 701-580-8338. Please check the Alexander Fire Department Facebook page for updates.


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