Rau School Board Meeting January 15th

BOARD MEETING: Monday – January 15, 2024 – 5:00 PM – Rau School Library

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Consent Agenda

a. Disposition of Minutes

b. Claims & Payroll Warrants

c. Staff Leave

d. Voided Checks

e. Stockman Bank of MT – Bank Statement

IV. Guest (s)

a. Cless & Ryan Karren, KT Buses Inc

V. Personnel

a. New Hire - Kitchen Staff

b. Terminations – Mercedes Rasmussen

VI. Correspondence

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Supervising Teacher Report

IX. Richland County Superintendent of Schools Report

a. Integrated Strategic Action Plan

b. Comprehensive Needs Assessments

X. Financials / Budget

a. Strom & Associates – Online Audit

XI. Old Business

a. Maintenance / Project Updates

b. Water Softener Replacement

c. DEQ Violations – Minimum Entry Chlorine

d. Johnson Controls – 911 Fire Alarm System

e. Music Room Water Damage

f. Kitchen – Serve Safe Staff

g. Attendance Agreements

h. Grants Update – Basketball Court

i. School Election

i. Trustee Resolution

j. Rau Board & Staff Christmas Party

k. MTSBA Policy Manual - 3nd Reading

XII. New Business

a. Preschool Screening – March 12, 2024

b. Bus Inspections – 2nd Semester

c. Attendance Agreement

d. Requisitions

XIII. Clerk Report


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