Sidney & Fairview Speech & Drama Results

Sidney High School was in Froid on Saturday, Dec. 2, competing against 14 schools.

The speech team secured 1st place in Class A sweepstakes.

Original Oratory: 1st - Tytus Carter

Extemporaneous Speaking: 1st - Keaton Burke

Informative Speaking: 2nd - Mason Quick; 4th - Kyle Pust

The drama team placed 2nd in Class A Drama sweepstakes.

Humorous Solo: 2nd - Cedar Hovde

Dramatic Theatre: 2nd - Luca Verville and Alyssa Batchelor

Classical Theatre: 3rd - Brooke Watson and Sophie Pust.

The team travels to Laurel next weekend.

Fairview took 2nd in Class B speech sweepstakes

Speech results:

Original Oratory: 2nd - Hannah Karren

Informative Speaking: 3rd - Grace McPherson

Humorous Interpretation: 3rd - Abbi Carico; 8th - Griffen Kruse

2nd in Class B drama sweepstakes

Classic Theatre: 1st - Evie Karren and Cali Norby

Fairview travels to Forsyth next weekend.


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