Brorson School Letters To Santa

Dear Santa, 11/23/23

What have you been up to this year? How is Mrs. Claus? A couple of things I want for Christmas are a little two cushion couch for a reading corner, the biggest Hydro Flash water bottle, a new red and black mountain bike, and a blue pair of non-wireless JBL headphones. I deserve these things for three reasons.

First, I am helpful by helping my mom a little bit by washing dishes for her sometimes. Second, I am kind to my friends because I play games with them. Lastly, I am safe so I don't get hurt because I am not destructive.

One more thing I want you to know is that I will be leaving you cookies and milk.

Love, Ryker MacGrady, Brorson School-4th Grade

Dear Santa,

My name is Katrina Murschel and I am 8 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas, please bring me big unicorn stuffed animal, Gizmo watch a sweater for my cat, and Minecraft turtle, and two babies.

Dear Santa, 11/23/23

How have you been? Could you please say hi to Mrs. Claus and the elves for me? For Christmas I would like purple and white parachute rope, JBL black wireless headphones, a mandala coloring book, and a wrestling knee sleeve. I deserve these things for three reasons. First, I am kind to animals because I feed my horses and play with my dogs. Second, I am helpful by helping my dad stack firewood. Lastly, I am loving to my parents by helping them do stuff. I will be leaving you cookies and milk and I will leave the reindeer candy canes. Merry Christmas!

Sincerely, Rosalie Stevenson, Brorson School – 4th grade

Dear Santa Claus, 11/23/23

How are you, Mrs. Claus, and the elves doing in the North Pole? For Christmas I would like a gizmo watch, a pair of cordless earbuds, a RC car, and an outdoor hoverboard that plays music. The reason I deserve all of these things is because I am a hard worker because I help my dad with projects at home. I am a kind classmate because I help when needed with chores. My grades are good because I get my work done. One more thing, I will leave milk and cookies on our counter for you to snack on during the long trip.

Your friend, Titus Edinger, Brorson School – 5th Grade

Dear Santa,

May name is Xander MacGrady and I am 7 years old. This year I have been very nice. For Christmas, please bring me two stuffed baby bulls and a stuffed Elf on the Shelf.


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