SHS Speech Drama & Debate Team Competed In Glasgow, Nov. 4

Sidney High School Speech Drama and Debate Team travelled to Glasgow for their first meet of the season and competed against 20, A, B & C schools and over 200 competitors from across eastern Montana. This season the team welcomes Warren Clark as the new Debate Coach.

The Speech & Debate Team took first in Class A Sweeps: Extemporaneous Speaking: 1st Keaton Burke;

Informative Speaking: 5th Kyle Pust; Original Oratory: 5th Tytus Carter and Lincoln Douglas Debate: 7th Chloe Thompson.

The Drama Team took 1st in Class A Sweeps: Humorous Solo: 2nd Cedar Hovde; Classical Theatre: 3rd Brooke Watson and Sophie Pust; Dramatic Theatre: 4th Luca Verville and Alyssa Batchelor.

The Team travels to Custer County this week.


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