Richland County Partnership For Promise & Anti Bullying

If you haven’t heard of the Richland County Partnership for Promise Coalition before, we are excited to catch you up. Founded in 1997, America’s Promise Alliance launched with a growing movement by General Colin Powell’s idea that there are five things kids need to be successful in life: Caring Adults, Safe Places, Healthy Start, Marketable Skills and an Opportunity to Serve.

With these goals in mind, Richland County began its own coalition of Partnership for Promise in 1998. Jumping ahead a “few” years, we are moving on to the current needs of our community involving youth safety, specifically bullying. Bullying in our community has become an ongoing challenge for too many of our youth and their families. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) describes bullying as being widespread in the United States. It negatively affects all youth involved including those who are bullied, those who bully others and those who witness bullying.

Most of you reading this article did not experience bullying the way it is done now with social media at the fingertips of our youth and adults. This is a very serious and dangerous situation we find our youth and ourselves combating. For our coalition to address this issue, we need your help. We need to identify the resources that are currently available, additional resources we can bring to our community, and actions you’re willing to take on to decrease bullying.

Please make it a priority to reach out to us with information you have regarding antibullying resources or programs. You can email Jacklyn Damm (Partnership for Promise Secretary) at [email protected] or better yet, please join our monthly meeting held on the second Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. in Sidney at the Boys & Girls Club.


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