Rau Elementary Board Meeting To Be Held October 16 At 6pm At The Rau School Library


I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Consent Agenda

a. Disposition of Minutes

b. Claims & Payroll Warrants

c. Staff Leave

d. Voided Checks

e. Stockman Bank of MT – Bank Statement

IV. Guest (s)

V. Personnel

a. New Hire - None

b. Voluntary Terminations – None

VI. Correspondence

VII. Public Comment

VIII. Supervising Teacher Report

IX. Richland County Superintendent of Schools Report

a. Integrated Strategic Action Plan

b. 95 Mills Update

X. Budget

XI. Old Business

a. Maintenance / Project Updates

b. FY 2023-2024 Budget Reports

c. Inventory Tags

d. Strom & Associates Audit - rescheduled

XII. New Business

a. Fall Student Count for ANB

b. FY 2021-2022 MT Department of Administration - Audit Findings – Corrective Action

c. Hobart Services – Stove Repair Bid

d. Johnson & Johnson Controls – Fire Alarm

e. Annual Boiler Inspection – Engineer for Boiler

f. Thiel Brothers Roofing

g. Joint Powers Meeting with Earl School District Board/McKenzie County Superintendent

h. DEQ – Violation – Chlorine Testing

i. TR1 Bus Routes - OPI

j. District Weapon Application

XIII. Clerk Report


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