North Dakota Stockmen Association's Convention & Trade Show Coming To Watford City

In September, NDSA members are invited to “come home” to the organization’s birthplace for business, meetings and celebration. The 94th Annual Convention & Trade Show will be held Sept. 28-30 in Watford City. The event will feature an educational series, informational speakers, policy-development sessions, business, networking and fun.

This year, the NDSA will host the largest trade show in their history, featuring 64 booths.

During policy meetings members will discuss and debate policy issues and learn from industry experts who will offer information on H2A and immigration workforce reform, the Bureau of Land Management rule, vaccine efficacy, the electronic brand inspection program, Environmental Protection Agency pesticide registration changes, the Dakota Legacy Initiative, prompt payment provisions, Livestock Risk Protection, cell-cultured protein and more.

The speaker showcase will feature topics of global meat overview, modern agriculture, Prop. 12 and succession planning.

The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) is a cattle producers’ trade association that dates back to 1929. Cattlemen on the Fort Berthold Reservation and surrounding areas were tired of the chronic cattle rustling plaguing their herds. Andrew Johnston, a Watford City, ND, - area cattleman, decided to call a meeting to determine what could be done about it.

That gathering took place June 6, 1929 - now considered christening day for the NDSA - in Watford City. Founders at that meeting elected John Leakey as their president and each pitched in $5 a person to establish a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone stealing cattle, horses or mules in North Dakota.

As the association grew older, members found value in banding together on other issues, so the mission expanded to what it is today: to unite, protect, promote, educate and serve the state’s beef cattle industry.

A new addition to Saturday morning will be the “Hoofin’ It Home” 5K Beef Walk/Run. Check-in for the race begins at 9:15 a.m., with the race starting at 10 a.m. at the Rough Rider Center. Prizes will be awarded for first place in the children’s, men’s and women’s divisions.

The annual banquet will include the recognition of long-time employees, as well as outstanding members selected for the Honorary Local Brand Inspector, Honorary Membership, Rancher of the Year, Environmental Stewardship and Top Hand Awards.

The deadline to pre-register is Sept. 14.

Room blocks are available at Teddy’s Residential Suites, 701-842-6480, the Little Missouri Inn, 701-842-6262, and Mainstay Suites, 701-566-7664.


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