FWP Survey Finds Montanans Satisfied With Elk Management In The State: Oppose Additional Regulations & Limiting Opportunities

In a recently completed public opinion survey of 5,000 randomly selected resident hunters, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks found a majority of respondents (73%) were satisfied with elk management in Montana. Hunters were also satisfied with current elk hunting regulations, resisted additional regulations, and support the timing of the current general elk hunting season.

Also of note:

• 87% rated overall opportunities to hunt elk in Montana as being better than average

• 72% rated elk hunting regulations in Montana as being satisfactory

• 73% of survey respondents rate elk management in Montana as being satisfactory

• 69.3% would rather hunt every year for bull elk vs giving that up to hunt a mature bull.

• While important to some, trophy hunting was the least important reason expressed by survey respondents for hunting elk in Montana and there was a clear rejection for more complicated regulations.

• 44% and 58% of respondents have the perception that there are not enough antlerless and bull elk, respectively, on publicly owned lands found in Montana.

“These results should inform public discussions and the elk management policies of the FW Commission going forward, ” said Mac Minard, Montana Outfitters and Guides executive director ,. “Montana hunters made it clear that they do not support additional regulations or loss of opportunities and underscored a need to increase hunting on private lands in order to disperse elk to public lands.”


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