Roosevelt Medical Center Receives Trauma Re-designation

Roosevelt Medical Center recently received its' re-designation as a level-5 trauma receiving facility from the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, Emergency and Trauma System, Helena.

Staff of RMC voluntarily participated in the intense designation process to become part of Montana's statewide trauma system. The process included an outside review of the hospital's emergency room resources and capabilities to care for a trauma patient. They also participated in a continuous, performance improvement process.

"Our only motivation is improving patient care. It's about us constantly raising the bar and getting better so that the patient has the best possible chances for a positive outcome. We live in Frontier America, and we serve our community on the front lines of patient care. We must have those life-saving skills. There's no other option," said Nick Kallem, RMC Trauma Coordinator.

This designation helps ensure RMC staff are trained to assist patients suffering from traumatic injuries that can include head injuries, burns, penetrating injuries and pelvis fractures.

According to Kallem, the time between sustaining an injury and receiving emergency care is the most important predictor of survival. A trauma system enhances the chances for survival regardless of proximity to a larger hospital. Best practices standards guide each stage of trauma care to ensure those patients are promptly transported to and treated at facilities appropriately prepared and equipped to care for the severity of their injuries.

The hospital received its' first three-year designation in 2008.

The trauma performance improvement process RMC operates guides them toward addressing issues they need to improve to better the quality of care they provide. The process is ongoing, and staff will continue looking for ways to enhance and further develop their trauma care capabilities. This includes continual review of policies and procedures and maintaining and updating medical equipment.

Even after the designation is received, RMC continually trains and prepares for the next trauma patient, further developing their trauma education and skills.

"Our staff are excited about continuing to develop our trauma services while being part of a statewide effort to treat patients with traumatic injuries to the very best of our ability," Kallem said.

Currently, Dr. David Shahbodaghi serves as the Trauma Medical Director.


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Rendered 07/17/2024 02:39