Eastern Montana's Night At The Park Featuring Polynesian Food, Live Music, & Luau Show

T.C. and Sela Maumalanga will be putting on Eastern Montana's Night at the Park, a free event for the whole community on Saturday, Aug. 26, at 6 p.m. The event includes live music and a Luau show and will be held at Veterans Memorial Park, Sidney, MT.

This is the second year in a row they have done this and, as before, will have live music and Polynesian dancers from Hawaii. T.C. will be playing county music with a band from 6-7:30 p.m. After their performance, the Luau Show begins. The dancers will perform dances from every island in Polynesia to authentic music. There will be a Polynesian food vendor selling Tongan and Hawaiian food for attendees to enjoy during the show. Funds raised go to offsetting the costs of the event.

Sunday morning the celebration slows down but continues at 10 a.m. There will be a worship service presided over by Sione Fungalei, Lonsdale United Methodist Church pastor. There will be baked goods for a free-will donation. All proceeds from Sunday will go to a local non-profit.

The Maumalangas came to Sidney with Fungalei when he moved there to pursue his calling to preach. They fell in love with the area but had to move to Utah in 2020. While in Utah they came across the members of the Polynesian dance troupe who had all moved there from Hawaii. They enjoyed the performances and the rest of the people and places in Utah but found themselves, after the pandemic, trying to come back to Sidney every three months. Sela said, "The community has a special place in our hearts. The place changed us."

The Maumalangas wish to bless as many community members as they can and are even in the process of arranging transportation for residents of the local assisted living facilities to the event. They wish to remind everyone to bring their own lawn chair and join them for the show.


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