Williston REC To Host Dryland Agronomy Field Day in July

NDSU will be holding the Annual Dryland Agronomy Field Day at the Williston Dryland Research Farm on Wednesday, July 12, located 4.5 miles west of Williston on U.S. Highway 2.

The Annual Dryland Agronomy Field Day begins with registration at 3 p.m. followed by dryland crops tour at 4 p.m.

NDSU research scientists will highlight their work. Greg Lardy, NDSU agricultural affairs vice president, will be in attendance for the Dryland Agronomy Field Day.

Clair Keene, assistant professor and extension agronomist, specializing in cereal crops and field corn, will talk about the perennial intermediate wheat, Kernza. Assistant professors of soil science Dr Lindsay Malone and Dr. Kelsey Griesheim will speak on soil health potential of introducing perennials into crop rotations to benefit the soil.

Plant Pathologist Audrey Kalil, will be speaking about the impact planting date has on the root rot of peas.

Hannah Worral, North Central Research Extension Center research specialist, will talk about pulse breeding and upcoming releases. She will also be talking a bit about some of the newer technologies Williston Dryland Research Farm has been incorporating into its breeding program.

Kyle Dragseth, Extension Center farm manager and foundation seedstocks manager, will be talking about WREC Foundation Seedstocks Pulse Varieties.

Elias Elias, a university distinguished professor, will be giving a durum wheat breeding update.

Andrew Friskop, associate professor and plant pathologist, will be giving a scab update.

Charlie Lim, extension weed specialist, will be giving the weed control update.

James Rogers, extension specialist in forage crops production, will be giving the forage update.

Gautam Pradhan, dryland research agronomist, will be presenting the Guar & Black Gram trial results.

There may also be a talk on climate smart approaches in agriculture.

A free steak and lamb dinner for attendees will follow the completion of the tours.

NDSU Field Days provide an opportunity for farmers, ranchers, and others to hear about the latest research and practices in forage production, agronomy, and horticulture.

To learn more contact Violeta Hobbs at [email protected] or by phone at 701-774-4315.


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