Big Change In Richland County Fair Board Commission Members This Year

Starting in November of last year, all of the five members of the Richland County Fair Board Commission began leaving their office.

There was more than one reason given for their departure. According to Commissioner Shane Gorder, they left for various reasons. One of them just did not renew his term, another left because she wanted more time with her family, and another had to move with his wife to another state. One commission member was asked to step down as she was not working out with the particular responsibilities she was given. Commissioner Duane Mitchell said at the Community Power Hour, on May 16, that the Fair Board Commission members left over a disagreement with the County Commissioners' choice for the new fair manager. Whatever the reason was, the county was needing new members for the Fair Board Commission.

Interviews for the positions were held the first week in May and now Richland County has five new Fair Commissioners. Kerry Reitz is the president and Karla Hunter is the new vice president. Shawn Dahl, Canyon Rehbein, and Peggy Errecart also stepped up to fill the positions. As a requirement, they all have to be residents of Richland County. Each member has to maintain good communication and relationship with the County Commissioners. They must assist them in hiring the Fair Manager. They also have to submit the Fair Annual Budget to the County Commissioners for approval. Each member has to attend meetings, workshops, and conventions as possible with the other Fair Commissioners and Fair Manager so that continuity, communication, and efficiency are established and maintained. They have to make decisions regarding the finances, operation, planning, and any facet of the Fair or Fairgrounds business, and assist with setting policies, rules, and regulations governing all phases of Fair and Fairgrounds operation. The Richland County Fair Board Commission members meet the first Tuesday of every month at the fair office at 5:15 p.m. to hold regular meetings.


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