Multicultural Event Fair March 28 in Watford City

All are invited to the Multicultural Event Fair at the Watford City High School on March 28 (The same night as parent/teacher conferences.) Amy Polivka is one of the organizers of the event, and the advisor to the Watford City High School Ambassador program. “Our student ambassadors came up with this event,” said Polivka. The student ambassador organization is designed for students to help integrate new families into our school and community. It is designed to help make the transition easier.

Watford City has a record number of foreign exchange students this year with 12 guest students. One of them lives with student ambassador Aiden Pelton. Aiden and fellow ambassador, Ally Cross brainstormed the idea of this cultural fair.This is a collaboration between 3 groups and 2 different grants: The Long-X Arts Foundation, Vision West ND, and the WCHS Student Ambassadors program.

The Long-X Art Foundation received a grant to do multicultural events in our community (such as dance, art, or culinary arts). The Vision Quest of ND organization is a consortium that services counties in Western North Dakota. It focuses on economic development. They received the cultural inclusion grant that is to promote the inclusion of multicultural events in our community and workplace. “Both grants really helped to be able to bring this event to fruition. Sixteen different cultures will have table displays. Families may stop by each table to learn about different countries art, food, and dress. This is a really great event for all cultures in our area to come together to share their culture and learn about each other,” said Polivka.


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