Big Sky Hockey Games Scheduled In Sidney, March 24-26

Richland Ranger Arena will host the Big Sky Games Hockey Tournament on Friday, March 24-Sunday, March 26.

“Currently, we have 24 teams signed up.” said organizer Dawn Rehbein.

“We are excited to host again this year and look forward to welcoming hockey families to Sidney for this great weekend of hockey. Our goal is always to get bodies in the stands, heads in the beds (hotel customers) and people enjoying our wonderful community,” said Rehbein.

Eric Siegfried coaches a Sidney Mites team (ages 6-8) and a Bantam team (up to 8th grade). “This is the third year Sidney has hosted the Big Sky State Hockey games,” said Siegfried. Each team can have 8 players. The games will be 3-on-3 with a goalie. You won’t want to miss this event.

All teams receive a Big Sky Games T-shirt. For more information visit


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