McKenzie County Zoning Ordinance Review Project to Start March 13

The McKenzie County Planning and Zoning Commission and SRF Consulting will be reviewing the McKenzie County zoning ordinances as part of the Zoning Ordinance Review Project this year during the regular zoning and planning meetings every second Monday at 5 p.m.

Zoning ordinances are fairly new to McKenzie County. The county was not officially zoned until 2013. McKenzie County has added some amendments to the ordinance since then, however, nothing has been done to this extent since 2013. All the districts will be reviewed this year on four different days. The commission and SRF Consulting will be taking the task up. While the zoning and planning meetings are happening every month, the zoning ordinance reviews are only happening during four of those meetings. The first one of 2023 is March 13. and is for the Agricultural District. Another one is planned for May 8, July 10, and Sept. 11. The districts to be reviewed during those meetings will be decided and noticed closer to the dates of the meetings in local newspapers in addition to the Zoning Ordinance Review Project section of the county’s website, The Recreational, Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Planned Unit Development, Floodplain Overlay, Highway Corridor Overlay, Firearms Facility Overlay, and Airport Overlay Districts are other possible districts to be reviewed.

All scheduled planning and zoning board meetings happen at the McKenzie County Courthouse, 201 5th St. NW, Watford City. The meetings are all live-streamed at the county’s Vimeo channel, The public is strongly encouraged to attend to offer input on the new ordinances. Should another event conflict with the regularly scheduled planning and zoning meetings they will be rescheduled in advance and announced on the county’s webpage. Should a meeting not be able to be held because of bad weather or for other reasons, the meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on the Wednesday immediately following the scheduled meeting.


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