MSU Richland County Extension Winter Series Continues Jan. 26

The MSU Richland County Extension office will be hosting the January Winter Series on Thursday, Jan. 26 beginning at 10:30 a.m. in the Richland County Extension office meeting room at 1499 N Central Ave., Sidney.

Tim Seipel, MSU Extension cropland weed specialist will be discussing Palmer Amaranth & Waterhemp: Herbicide Resistance Awareness & Prevention. Palmer Amaranth is moving west through North Dakota towards eastern Montana. This presentation will review pigweeds, their biology, and how to identify Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp. Seipelwill focus on early detection and rapid response to prevent their establishment in Montana. He will also review herbicide resistance.

Jane Mangold, MSU Extension invasive plant specialist will be discussing Identification & Management of High Priority Noxious Weeds. This presentation will cover identification, biology, and integrated management of rangeland noxious weeds, including ventenata, leafy spurge, and Canada thistle. For leafy spurge and Canada thistle, two common species in Montana, identification will focus on how to tell them apart from similar-looking species, which is important for effective management.

Two pesticide credits will be available for attending these presentations. Please contact the MSU Richland County Extension office at 406-433-1206 or [email protected] for more information. We hope to see you on Jan. 26.


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