MSU-EARC Field Day Scheduled For July 12

The MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center, located one mile north of Sidney, will be hosting its 2022 Field Day Tuesday, July 12. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the tour starting at 9 a.m.

There will be many speakers discussing a variety of topics during the event. Dr. Frankie Crutcher, plant pathologist MSU-EARC will present a project to screen fusarium head blight resistant spring wheat, durum wheat, and barley.

Dr. Lovreet Shergill, MSU Southern Agricultural Research Center weed scientist, will talk about herbicide resistant weeds, and cultural and chemical methods to control the herbicide resistant weeds. Sustainable Oils staff will talk about the potential of camelina in Montana and contracts the Sustainable Oils company offers to growers.

Dr. Chengci Chen, EARC superintendent, and Shreya Gautam MSU-EARC, agronomists and graduate students will discuss the canola variety performance, camelina fertility study, and a project aiming at selecting high nitrogen use efficiency camelina cultivars. Dr. Chen will also demonstrate the soil moisture sensors from different companies to monitor soil moisture and plant water use, and guide irrigation scheduling.

Dr. Crutcher, Marie Dorval, and Yi Zhou, plant pathologist and graduate students at MSU-EARC, will present a cover crop study and an intercropping project.

Dr. Suchismita Mondal, Dr. Jason Cook, and Dr. Venugopal Mendu will discuss their breeding and genetic research. Drs. Mike Giroux and Jamie Sherman, MSU durum wheat and barley breeder, will talk about breeding and new varieties.

Dr. William Franck, MSU-EARC research scientist, will present inoculant study in pea, lentil, chickpea, and soybean for yield and protein improvement.

The EARC would like to thank their growers, legislators, Montana Wheat and Barley Committee, Montana Department of Agriculture, Montana Pulse Crop Committee, Northern Pulse Growers Association, U.S. Dry Pea and Lentil Council, local and regional Pulse Crop and other businesses for their continuous support to agricultural research at the Eastern Agricultural Research Center and Montana State University. 

Dr. Chen said, "I am looking forward to growers coming out to see the research we are doing at MSU-EARC, and I want to see growers farming profitably, innovatively, and sustainably."

He knows that ag research is important, especially during uncertain times. "I am happy to see the COVID-19 pandemic is almost over. Unfortunately, the Russian-Ukraine war broke out which will likely cause crisis of food supplies in some parts of the world. American farmers have been contributing greatly to the food security of the world."

For more information on this event, call EARC at 406-433-2208.


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