Richland Co. Door to Door Assessment June 8

The Richland County Health Department and partners will be conducting the county-wide door-to-door Community Health Assessment on June 8, between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Volunteers will be walking in designated neighborhoods within Richland County to collect survey information from residents. Volunteers will be wearing safety vests and RCHD safety badging for identification. Volunteers will not be entering residences and will not be asking for personal information.

This health assessment gathers important data that is specific to quality of life in Richland County. The information gathered helps to identify the county’s top health priorities and guides the development of the Richland County Strategic Plan. This assessment is repeated every three years, allowing for identifying new priorities and seeing what changes have been made. We ask for the communities help in gathering this information, as it is important to have Richland County specific information and for the use of bringing funding back into the county.

If you would like to volunteer, please call Rita at the Richland County Health Department, 406-433-2207.


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