Celebrating Seniors In Richland County May 20

May Is Older American’s Month and the Richland County Commission on Aging is celebrating our seniors. On May 20, the COA will host an event intended to keep seniors focused on staying healthy and active which will promote and ability to continue aging independently for as long as possible. The event will take place from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the Aging Services and Transit Building, 2190 W. Holly St., Sidney. Seniors and their guests will be provided lunch along with the number of activities for all activity levels. From simple health screenings to virtual bowling, there is sure to be something for everyone.

During this event, Kayla Fox will be demonstrating and inviting guests to join in SAIL exercises. SAIL, Staying Active and Independent for Life, is a proven fitness program for all fitness levels and focuses on balance, strength, and flexibility. For those who want something slightly more fast-paced, there will also be an introduction to Pickleball along with some friendly matches. Although not a new sport, Pickleball has become the fastest growing sport among seniors in the United States due to its simple rules and low impact on knees and joints. A cross between tennis and ping-pong, Pickleball allows seniors to focus on coordination and simple movement rather than the exertion of tennis while still boosting the cardiovascular system.

The COA is hoping that even if seniors aren’t comfortable participating in the activities they will still attend. Aging Director, Jodi Berry says, “We are hoping seniors will come even if it’s just for lunch and information. Congregating with other seniors, visiting and having a laugh can be just as important to your health as exercise and physical activity.” Again the event is open to all seniors and their guests and will take place on Friday, May 20 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. We hope to see you there!


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