Sidney Jaycees Present "The Great Gobbler" Giveaway

With Thanksgiving fast approaching and it being the season of celebrating the blessings from the past year, the Sidney Jaycees are reminded on how fortunate they are for the support received from the community and sponsors. Now they are paying that community support forward.

They are asking for nominations for deserving families who reside within Richland County and could use some assistance covering the expenses of a Thanksgiving dinner. Please give a brief explanation as to why you feel your nomination should be chosen and contact information for the head of the household. All information given will remain private.

Nomination deadline is Nov. 18. To nominate a family or individual visit the Facebook Page, Sidney Jaycees; or Facebook Event, The Great Gobbler Giveaway; Email, [email protected] or PO Box 455, Sidney, MT 59270.


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