Watford City Workforce Showcase June 30

Facebook Live Event

This coming Wednesday, June 30th, the Williston Job Service will be at the Rough Rider Center in Watford City, ND. They will be encouraging employers who need workers to schedule an appointment to do a Facebook Live Video on the Job Service ND Facebook page…about a 5 minute segment. Employers can represent themselves, have an employee or other company representative talk about their organization and/or open jobs. For those participating, the post will include a link to their company website. The job service sees as many as 50,000 views on things that they post so they definitely have an audience of job seekers!

In addition to employers, housing providers are invited to talk about their availability of affordable housing.

Finally, throughout the day the community will be promoted and even high school students will be participating – they will share their perspective about our community being a great place to be!

A mix of companies (energy, hospitality, healthcare, public sector, school, law enforcement, main street, etc.) are encouraged to participate!


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