Eastern Montana Business Webinars- Economic Development

The next presentation of Eastern Montana Business Webinars is scheduled for Wednesday, June 23 at 10 a.m.

Beth Epley from Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation will provide information on “What is Economic Development” and how it can assist Montana Employers.

During the webinar, employers will learn about the many services provided by Economic Development including Revolving Loan Funding, Business Planning and Technical Assistance and Grant Writing and Administration.

Employers will also learn more about Eastern Plains Economic Development Corporation (which covers the counties of Prairie, Dawson, Wibaux, Fallon and Carter), Southeastern Montana Development Corporation (which covers the counties of Custer, Powder River, Rosebud and Treasure) and Great Northern Development Corporation (which covers the counties Valley, Daniels, Sheridan, Roosevelt, Garfield and McCone).

Beth Epley has been the Executive Director for Eastern Plains Economic Development Corp. since 2016. She grew up in Sidney and Baker and is a graduate of Baker High School. Epley attended Evangel University, graduating with a degree in Public Administration along with minors in English and International Relations. She has worked in a variety of positions in the energy industry including regulatory reporting, safety coordinator, accounting and production analysis. She has served on a number of community boards, ranging from a Visit Southeast Montana to her local Board of Adjustment.

Epley holds tightly to the belief that our communities are what we, the community members, make them. As a native of Montanan, she understands that no one knows the communities of these counties better than the residents themselves. Her goal is to listen to the concerns of the local people and assist them in finding tangible, effective solutions. She is excited about the opportunities that the EPEDC affords eastern Montana and is grateful to be a part of the organization.

Registration is required and can be completed at https://mt-gov.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hzeRH-V1RBC9PNrYIupDZw

You will receive a confirmation email after registering.

Eastern Montana Business Webinars is brought to you through a collaborative effort of the Job Service offices in Glendive, Miles City, Sidney and Wolf Point. These educational sessions for employers take place each month at 10 a.m.


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