Guest Opinion: Legislative Report

Greetings from Helena!

It looks like spring is on its way. We will be needing some moisture soon.

We have had some emails from concerned folks wondering about some news stories regarding illegals being flown into Montana. It is disturbing that the President wants to bring a bunch of illegals into Montana and leave them for us to take care of. This is the same President who has been badmouthing President Trump about his handling of the China virus. President Biden is letting in people from all over the world while he wants us to refrain from seeing our own families. Go figure! No surprise!

This week in Judiciary Committee we heard a lot of bills. Representative John Fuller carried a couple of the bills, HB112 and HB427.  HB112 deals with transgenders in sports. This bill requires interscholastic athletes to participate under the sex assigned at birth. HB427 prohibits a doctor from performing sex changing procedures on minors. Both bills were passed out of Senate Judiciary committee on party line votes.

In Public Health Committee we heard several bills, which came out of the House, to limit DPHHS, which is much needed. We did confirm Adam Meier as Director of DPHHS, which we think is a step in the right direction. It is a big agency with lots of problems so it is going to take a while to work through some issues.

Our granddaughter, Brenna Rapp, was a Senate Page this week. We enjoyed having Brenna with us. If you are in Helena be sure to stop and see us. If you want to look up the text of a bill you can find it at

For Freedom,

Senator Steve Hinebauch


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