The Montana Farm Bureau Federation is holding a virtual Calling on the Capitol on Ag Day, March 23. This will provide an excellent opportunity for farmers and ranchers to meet with the Montana Lieutenant Governor, legislative leadership as well as with agency directors. MFBF’s governmental affairs staff will provide tips on testifying and providing insight into being a part of the legislative process.
The event will be conducted via Zoom from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. and Farm Bureau members from across the state are encouraged to attend.
Presenters include Montana’s Lieutenant Governor Kristen Juras; Director of Agriculture Mike Foster; and Director of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Amanda Kaster. Also joining the virtual event will be Senate Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Committee Chair Mike Lang and House Agriculture Committee Chair Josh Kassmier; and President of the Senate Mark Blasdel and Speaker of the House Wylie Galt.
“Having a virtual Calling on the Capitol will allow farmers and ranchers to hear from our state government leaders and give the ability to ask questions of these officials without having to travel across the state to do so,” said MFBF Director of State Affairs Rachel Cone. “MFBF plans to celebrate agriculture in Montana in many ways during Ag Week, including through legislative efforts, with our virtual Calling on the Capitol event, and giving legislators Montana Ag Proud buttons to show their pride in agriculture. Join us in celebrating the number-one industry in the state.”
The event is free, although registration is required and you must be a MFBF member to participate. To see an agenda and to register visit or visit @Montana Farm Bureau on Facebook. Questions? Call the MFBF office, 406-587-3153.
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