Davidson Medical Benefit March 27

On Jan. 4, Dick was enjoying a pleasant day of ice fishing when a gust of wind knocked him down and he landed hard on his neck and back. The fall caused compression on his spinal column and Dick had no feeling in his legs or arms. He was rushed to the Bismarck hospital where they discovered a lot of calcium deposits and bone spurs on his spinal column with the fall causing compression on the nerves. They did surgery removing some of the bone and inserting a rod and screws in his neck to relieve the compression on the nerves. When he had recovered from surgery enough, he was moved to the PAM Rehabilitation Clinic, Fargo, where he underwent intensive rehabilitation for three weeks.

He is home now doing outpatient rehabilitation therapy and improving daily. He has recovered some movements in his arms and legs and can stand and walk up to 30 feet with the help of a walker. Every day he sees improvement. He thanks all his family and friends for their support.

On Saturday, March 27 there will be a Medical Benefit held for Dick which will include silent auction, 5-7 p.m .; freewill donation meatball supper, 6 p.m .; live auction, 7 p.m. and a cash bar. All this will take place at Richland County Event Center. All proceeds from this event will be used for medical expenses and supplies to aid in Dick's recovery.

For more information on this event contact Travis Morrill, 406-480-9514. If you would like to make a donation to the live or silent auction contact Sheila Marker, 406-480-3442. If you are unable to attend this benefit but would still like to donate an account is set up at Stockman Bank under "Dick Davidson Benefit."


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