Upper Missouri Valley Health Unit Vaccine Update

The Upper Missouri Valley Health Unit Covid vaccination clinic is full but there is an option to sign up to receive more information on upcoming clinics and priority groups. They will continue to work through the priority group of 75 and older as soon as they receive more vaccine.

Citizens of the Upper Missouri District Health Unit service area (Divide, Williams, Mountrail, and McKenzie counties) can now sign up to be notified when the vaccine is available for their priority group. If an individual does not fit into a priority group, there is also an option to indicate interest in being notified when the vaccine is available to the general public. Those interested in getting the vaccine can sign up for the notification at http://bit.ly/UMDHUnotify. Completing the form does not guarantee a vaccine for you, but will notify you via email or text message of how to make an appointment to receive the vaccine when it is ready for your demographic. Only one form should be completed per person. For more information about North Dakota’s COVID-19 Priority Groups, please visit https://www.health.nd.gov/covid-19-vaccine-priority-groups.


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