Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

In matters of government my main interest is public education. Public schools are especially important in this area because with shrinking population public schools are evermore the center of the community.

I watched Pat and Brenda Mischel bring up their four kids with deep involvement in the children’s schooling and, concomitantly, the whole school system. They were serious about teacher conferences; they were involved in homework.

In addition, Pat ran for the Unified Board and served, fully involved. Pat freely volunteered for things he could help with in the school system like sports events.

Each of the four kids worked for us, a couple of them for years. They showed evidence of careful training.

I watched Pat and the other candidate on Let’s Talk About It on KXGN. When asked why he voted against the sex-trafficking bill Steve Hinebauch said the family should handle it with the family church. I think this shows a failure to grasp reality. Fifty percent of American marriages end in divorce. Oil booms sometimes bring unsavory men to town. In Glendive I have heard of teachers who do not have one child in class, not one, who lives in a traditional home.

I would like someone to represent me in the legislature who has some knowledge of how things work. Someone like Pat Mischel.

Rose Marie Aus

Glendive, MT


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