2020 Williston Research Extension Center Field Days To Be Held Online

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's North Dakota State University (NDSU) Williston Research Extension Center (WREC) Dryland and Irrigated Field Days will be conducted online. NDSU WREC staff members have prepared short pre-recorded videos that include information on dryland and irrigation research being performed at the research center. These videos will be available for viewers to watch on July 8 at http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/willistonrec. 

Researchers will be discussing a variety of topics during the virtual Field Day, which will include: Tyler Tjelde, WREC irrigation agronomist, discussing Irrigation in Western North Dakota, Justin Jacobs, WREC irrigation research specialist, talking about Intercropping peas/canola and chickpeas/flax, Meridith Miller, WREC dryland specialist, and Nick Birkhimer, NDSU graduate research assistant, will be providing information on the Pipeline Reclamation Project, Dr. Gautum Pradhan, dryland agronomist at WREC, will be discussing the application of unmanned aircraft systems in small plot experiments. Cameron Wahlstrom, WREC dryland research specialist, will inform viewers about dryland variety trials at the WREC and Dr. Audrey Kalil, WREC plant pathologist will be talking about Ascochyta blight on chickpeas.

In addition to these videos, Taheni Gargouri-Jbir, WREC plant pathology research specialist will be talking about Fusarium root rot, Kyla Splichal, the WREC horticulture research specialist, will provide information on the WREC horticulture garden, Dr. Clair Keene, the extension cropping systems specialist will be informing viewers on Kernza: a new dual-use crop for the MonDak region or intercropping chickpeas and flax. Kyle Dragseth, WREC farm manager, will talk about the WREC foundation seed program and Dr. Jerry Bergman, WREC director, and Tom Wheeler, WREC-EARC (Montana State University's Eastern Agricultural Research Center) Joint Advisory Board chairman, will provide an update on the WREC foundation seed condition facility. 

Agricultural research conducted at the WREC is intended to increase the producer's net profit, support crop diversification, and encourage more intensive cropping and irrigation development. Research on soil and crop management systems for sprinkler irrigation, on alternative irrigated high value and value-added crops and western malting barley programs are conducted for the region. WREC also performs a variety of development research on safflower, winter wheat, and durum and variety evaluations in cooperation with NDSU Main Station scientists. WREC produces and supplies foundation seed to area farmers of new and old varieties adapted to the region.

All producers, industry representatives, extension educators, research staff, and anyone interested in learning more about agricultural research in the MonDak area is encouraged to view the virtual Field Day. For additional information on the Field Day, contact the WREC office at 701-774-4315.


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