In a new arrangement with the Montana Department of Agriculture developed in response to the COVID 19 pandemic, individuals will be able to qualify for MT pesticide applicator points from the comfort of their couch or their pickup. The Montana Department of Agriculture has approved pesticide applicator credits for two upcoming live webinars being put on by the USDA Agricultural Research Service’s Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory, Sidney, with assistance from the Richland County Extension Office.
“Due to COVID 19 we had to cancel our annual field day events where producers could get updates on our research and collect pesticide points for attending,” ARS Research Agronomist and Ag Systems Unit Research Leader Bart Stevens said. “Consequently we opted to try something online, both by offering research updates on our website and by offering two live webinars that have qualified for pesticide points under the state’s recertification program.”
The webinars, which feature identification and some management tips for range and herbicide resistant crop weeds, respectively, are both an hour-long and qualify for one credit each. Interested participants are asked to register at or contact Beth Redlin at 406-433-2020 or at [email protected]. Please note: Pesticide points are only available for those participating in a live session.
Details for the live webinars include:
Crop Weed Webinar:
Palmer Amaranth Identification and Management and Herbicide Resistant Weeds
Date and Time: Thursday, June 25, 8:30- 9:30 a.m. (MT)
Presenter: Richland County Extension Agent Tim Fine
Description: Fine will discuss how to identify the weed and distinguish it from other pigweed species to prevent the introduction of this devastating crop weed into Montana, as well as what steps should be implemented if a person believes they’ve found the weed. Fine will also discuss steps to prevent herbicide resistance, a known trait in Palmer amaranth in other parts of the country. In addition Fine will address other herbicide-resistant crop weeds already identified in Eastern Montana.
Applicator points: 1 point for categories: 10 - Dealer, 30 - Agricultural Plant Pest Control, 39 - Demonstration & Research Pest Control, and 60 - Private Agricultural Pest Control
Rangeland Weed Webinar:
Title: Noxious Weed Identification: Present and Potential Invader
Date and Time: Friday, June 26, 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. (MT)
Presenter: USDA-ARS Biological Science Technician Kim Mann
Description: Mann’s presentation will provide tips on identifying noxious rangeland weeds commonly found in the MonDak, along with those threatening to invade. Mann has more than 30 years of experience with weed identification and bio control and frequently provides annual instruction to local and regional weed districts and their employees. In addition to an overview of noxious weeds listed in the state, Mann will also discuss locally listed weeds such as baby’s breath currently considered a noxious weed in Richland County
Applicator points: 1 point for categories: 10 - Dealer, 30 - Agricultural Plant Pest Control, 37 - Right of Way Pest Control, 39 - Demonstration & Research Pest Control, 44 - Special Utility, 55 - Regulatory Weed, and 60 - Private Agricultural Pest Control
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