Montana Farm Bureau To Host Virtual Farm Fair

This time of year, Montana grade school students are generally attending farm fairs across the state, learning about various aspects of agriculture. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, farm fairs which would be teeming with eager students have been nixed, but the Montana Farm Bureau is holding a virtual farm fair to bring the educational ag-related topics directly to your home. Montana Farm Bureau's Virtual Farm Fair is scheduled to run on social media beginning May 11 and throughout that week.

"When we realized this at-home learning was going to continue, we knew kids wouldn't be able to participate in farm fairs," said MFBF's Promotion & Education Committee Chair Bonita Cremer. "Farm fairs are field trips away from school to find out what's happening on our farms and ranches. We didn't want that opportunity to be lost just because we couldn't invite kids out to the farm."

The Virtual Farm Fair will feature 10 videos from Farm Bureau members' farms and ranches, and will be directed toward a fourth-grade learning level, but appropriate and fun for all ages-even for parents! These videos, along with corresponding activities and lesson plans, will cover topics typically experienced at a farm fair, from honey bees, pulse crops and sheep to ATV safety, branding and home-made ice-cream.

"We want to encourage parents and teachers to check out this opportunity as most of our schools are continuing with at-home learning for the remainder of the school year," said Cremer.

As of May 11, parents and teachers are urged to tune in to Facebook @montanafarmbureau or The videos will be accompanied by activities and recommended resources on the MFBF website under MY-Ag. For more information contact Rikki Swant, 406-587-3153, [email protected].


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