Stockman Bank Offers "Teach Children To Save Day" Lesson On Facebook

Friday, April 24, 2020 was National Teach Children to Save Day. Each year, Stockman Bank employees visit Montana classrooms to give a savings lesson to children, helping them develop the skills they need to make smart financial decisions as adults.

Right now, due to the COVID-19 health crisis, students are learning at home. So this year, we they brought Teach Kids to Save Day to homes.

Participants joined Tonya Breding, a Stockman banker at our Conrad location, for a fun savings lesson designed for Montana students from pre-school to grades K-6. Helping children learn more about the concept of saving, how interest makes money grow, how to budget and determining needs and wants.

Tonya’s video lesson was posted on Friday, April 24, at 3:00pm on Stockman Bank’s Facebook page. Parents and children can watch the presentation at a convenient time. The video can also be accessed on the Community page of Stockman Bank website at

Teach Children to Save was established by the American Bankers Association Foundation in 1997. Stockman is proud to participate in the program.


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