Letter to the Editor

Krautter Strong Ally for Ag in Helena

Dear Editor:

During the last legislative session, I had the distinct pleasure to represent Montana’s farmers and ranchers and advocate on issues of importance to the agriculture community. Now a proud Sidney resident, I am supporting Joel Krautter’s re-election campaign for representative because of the strong work I personally saw him do for agriculture in Helena.

Thankfully the 2019 legislature was one of the most productive for agriculture with the passage of important legislation like HB 50 which Joel sponsored to hold commodity dealers accountable for the contracts they enter with farmers, the Real Meat Act, and multiple pieces of legislation that protected the water rights of Montana’s farmers and ranchers. In the midst of a productive session for agriculture, Representative Krautter stood out from other legislators in Helena for his strong advocacy for agriculture and rural Montana.

Joel’s commitment to agriculture and rural Montana was noticed by the Montana Stockgrowers, who have endorsed his re-election campaign and the Montana Farm Bureau Federation, who gave Joel their “Rookie of the Year” award for going above and beyond during his first term.

While agriculture continues to be the state’s largest economic driver, it’s also one of the least represented in Helena. Outlandish, HSUS and PETA-backed legislation will continue to find its way into Montana and while Richland County’s ranchers have calves hitting the ground in the middle of a snowstorm 450 miles away, we need to ensure they’re well represented in Helena. I have that confidence in Joel and know he will continue to be a leader for the agriculture community.

Joel was a problem-solver in Helena and always kept Richland County needs first. I am proud to support Joel’s re-election campaign and hope you will too.

- Olivianne Stavick, Sidney, MT


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