The Watford City Rough Rider Fund Committee And Watford City Council Seeking 2020 Community Enrichment Grant Applications

The Watford City Council and Roughrider Fund Committee are pleased to report the 2019 Roughrider Fund supported projects and identified commitments planned for 2020.

In 2019 the following projects were funded:

- Roughrider Center: $ 2,213,885.96

- McKenzie County Healthcare System: $1,158,943.63

- Wolf Pup Daycare: $475,000.00

- LSS Cherry Creek Apartments: $250,000.00

- Wolf Pup Learning Center: $50,000.00

- Watford City Swim Team, Inc .: $46,500.00

- 2019 Community Enrichment Grants: $22,600.00

- Williston Council of the Aging: $11,592.00

Total: $4,228,521.59

2020 continuing commitments and planned allocations:

- 50% of 2020 collections: Roughrider Center

- 13% of 2020 collections: McKenzie County Healthcare System

- $700,000: McKenzie County Healthcare System

- $45,000: 2020 Community Enrichment Grants

- $200,000: 2020 funding for small business development

If you are a small business owner looking to expand your Watford City business or an entrepreneur considering a startup business in Watford City, the CBD (Central Business District) Façade Incentive Match Program, the Child Care Renewal Reimbursement Program, the Mini-Match Start Up Grant Program (for business and child care), and the Flex Pace/Pace Grant Match programs were established in 2019. These Roughrider Fund programs are dedicated to making Watford City a better place by creating jobs that diversify the economy and grow and diversify the tax base.

If your organization has projects or events that contribute to the vibrancy of the Watford City area, you are encouraged to apply for a Community Enrichment grant. Applications are due Feb. 14.

All Roughrider Fund applications can be found at or picked up at Watford City Hall. For questions related to the Roughrider Fund or how to apply, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] or 701-444-2533.


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