Dear Editor,
For years we have watched the passion of the “Pro-choice” and anti-gun people and the progress they have made. There has been over 50 million babies killed by abortion since 1973, plus thousands of women have died, in the process. The anti-gun people have taken several runs at trying to take our guns away across the nation and even in this state. The most recent attempt that made the headlines was in Virginia. The point being, we have a problem. My wife and I had the privilege of going to Sidney to the meeting held on Jan. 20 to discuss these two issues and the possibility of a “Sanctuary County” for the unborn and 2nd Amendment. I appreciate the Richland County residents (approximately 150) who came out to show their concern. It was particularly nice to see the three county commissioners and the county sheriff in attendance. The discussion at the meeting was thoughtful, productive and civil and centered on the fact that both abortion and gun confiscation violate the US Constitution. There were a lot of good, well thought out ideas presented at the meeting. Let’s continue the dialogue.
For Freedom,
Senator Steve and Beth Hinebauch
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