Letter To The Editor

Dear Richland County,

As pastors in this community with the charge to care for the “least of these” (Matthew 25:40), our heart is burdened for the unborn.

We encourage the attendance of all people of faith and/or conscience to attend the Jan. 20 meeting at the Extension Office at 7 p.m. to lend their voice on the subject of Richland County becoming a Sanctuary County for Life.

We believe that your voice will be important in this matter. The clergy of this community are united on the subject of protecting those who need protected the most. We pray that the churches would be united with us.

Richard Evans (Church of the Nazarene)

Rolf Preus (Trinity Lutheran Church

Jordan Hall (Fellowship Baptist Church)

Paul Turek (Faith Alliance)

Mike Hussey (Lutheran Brethren)

David Meehan (Ebenezer Congregational)


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