Sugarbeet Harvest Tentatively Set to Begin This Weekend

Growers and Sidney Sugars are keeping an anxious eye on the weather forecast as they gear up for this year's harvest. As of Monday, the start date for harvest has not yet been determined due to the forecasted rain again for the end of the week. Our hope is to begin harvest this coming weekend.

This year's crop may not break records but it looks very good according to Sidney Sugars general manager David Garland. While the beets could have used some warmer weather late in the season, root samples taken September 5 showed projected tonnage of 31.4, which is just below the five year average, and sugar looking promising.

The road construction on Holly is causing difficulties for everyone concerned with harvest. Sidney Sugars, grower representatives and city and county officials met with Knife River and the Montana DOT and were promised that the corner by Blue Rock will be usable by this week. Growers hauling from the North will use CR 351 and then come South to the corner and travel to the factory as usual. TransSystems trucks hauling from Culbertson and Fairview will use Central Avenue to the truck route, turning left at Builders First Source.

Sidney Sugars is busy buttoning up some summer maintenance and capital projects and is ready to get harvest underway. Positions are open both for harvest and campaign. Anyone interested in a good paying job is encouraged to contact Sidney Job Service.

Garland, and the entire staff at Sidney Sugars, wish the growers a safe and prosperous harvest and ask everyone to be aware of the additional traffic. Loaded beet trucks can not stop quickly - Be Aware and Be Safe.


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