Kathleen Williams Visits Sidney

Recently Dem. Kathleen Williams who is running for U.S. Congress visited Sidney to reach out to the public and find what issues eastern Montanans are concerned about.

Meeting at Sunny's Family Restaurant on Sunday, September 1, Williams said her main concerns include health care and opportunities for economic development in rural areas. Williams strives to find balance in making decisions best for Montanans.

During her time in the Montana legislature, Williams has passed a bill that stops insurance companies from denying cancer patients routine check-ups.

"We have to prioritize," Williams said.

With her mother developing Alzheimer's when Williams was just 11 years old, health care is something that she finds important.

"Health care is something that is very personal to me," Williams said.

Williams said that she often hears personal stories from the public that makes her want to change the way the health care system works.

"When you hear stories like that, you don't give up. You double down," Williams said.

She talked about mental health resources needing improvement in rural Montana as well.

"American's need to demand better health care," Williams said.

When asked what her boldest move was, Williams said fixing health care is something that she will do whether it's now or years from now. It is her main focus.

One of her ideas in fixing how health care works is to allow those 55 and older to buy into Medicare.

"It will help lower costs because there will be younger and healthier members using it," Williams said.

One community member at the meeting asked Williams how she feels she differs from her opponents. Williams said her experience and name recognition are key and sets her apart from those she is running against.

Williams noted that she also bridges the gap between community and politics and takes the time to hear what Montanans want and need from her.

"I know how to make lobbyists work for me, not the other way around," Williams said.

When the situation with Sidney Sugars was brought up, Williams took note and said it was something she would look further into. She plans to return to Sidney to take a tour of the factory and to find out more of what she can do to help the situation.


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