Defying The Odds Exhibit By Carol Hartman To Open At The MonDak Heritage Center On August 1, Sidney

The MonDak Heritage Center is happy to host an exhibit by Carol Hartman with her large and colorful oil landscape paintings, depicting the overland and waterway trials taken by settlers of the MonDak region of Eastern Montana. Her exhibit titled Defying the Odds opens on August 1 and runs through August 30, 2019.

Finger painting instead of using brushes allows Ms. Hartman to maintain an even closer relationship to her paintings. According to Ms. Hartman, "I am quite proud of the early history of the region and of the many pioneers involved in its development. This exhibition is created to honor that history and that incredibly beautiful and remote landscape."

Carol Hartman was born and raised in Sidney, Montana, and received formal art training from Montana State University Bozeman and California State University Fresno. After teaching at California State University Fresno and exhibiting both nationally and internationally for many years, she relocated back to Montana ten years ago to paint full time.

For the last few years Ms. Hartman has been searching for the various overland and steamboat trails that Montana settlers have used. Her painting excursion this past May and June covered the Oregon Trail from Western Wyoming to Independence, Missouri, attendance at the PAUL ARTSPACE artist residency, then contiuing back along the Missouri River to Fort Union. The recent purchase and retro-fitting of a camper trailer allows her to camp right next to an exciting significant marker along the route, wake up early in the morning, and paint incredible sunlight shining on that landscape.

For more information you can contact Carol Hartman at [email protected] or through her website at

The MonDak Heritage Center is open Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturday from 1-4 p.m. Admission is FREE. For more information call 406-433-3500 or e-mail [email protected].


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