Work Smarter Training Series, Watford City, July 30, August 13 & 27

If you’re tired of working hard, why not work smarter instead? Smarter work habits lead to better outcomes and greater personal satisfaction. Work Smarter is a comprehensive training opportunity designed to build your career through personal development. This training is offered in a bi-weekly format designed for employees at any career stage. Three sessions will engage participants in interactive experiences designed to improve communication, manage change and conflict, and develop effective writing and messaging strategies.

The three sessions for the work smarter training series will take place on July 30, August 13, and August 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Central Standard Time at the University of Mary, Watford City Campus at 2209 Wolves Den Parkway Suite 129A, Watford City.

To register for the Work Smarter Training Series visit For more information email [email protected] or call 701-355-5166.


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