MSU-EARC/Extension 39th Annual Field Day

July 16, 8:30 a.m. To 1:10 p.m. Sidney

Schedule of Events:

8-8:30 p.m. – Refreshments

8:30-8:40 a.m. Welcome – Dr. Chengci Chen, MSU-EARC Superintendent

Tour Begins: 8:45-9 a.m. – Drs. Bill Franck and Fatemeh Etemadi: Improving pea protein content through Rhizobium inoculants, plant growth regulators, and variety selection

Dr. Bill Franck is a Research Scientist at MSU-EARC, who has a Ph.D. degree in microbiology and Dr. Fatemeh Etemadi is a Postdoctoral Research Associate, who has a Ph.D. degree in Agronomy. Drs. Franck and Etemadi will present their studies that are aiming at enhancing the pea protein concentrations through various agronomic practices, such as using different Rhizobium inoculants and application method, applying micronutrients and plant growth promotion regulators, as well as selecting superior pea varieties.

9-9:15 a.m. – Dr. Frankie Crutcher: Seed treatment and foliar application of fungicides for pea and chickpea disease management

Dr. Frankie Crutcher is a Plant Pathologist at MSU-EARC, who is studying disease management in pulse, cereal, and sugarbeet crops. At this stop, Dr. Crutcher will present information on fungicide seed treatment and foliar applications to control diseases in pea, lentil, and chickpea. Rotations of active ingredients to prevent the development of fungicide resistance and proper timings of applications will also be discussed.

9-9:30 a.m. – Drs. Fatemeh Etemadi and Chengci Chen: Herbicide, fertility, and seeding date and rate studies for mung bean and adzuki bean

Dr. Chengci Chen is an Agronomist and Superintendent at MSU-EARC. Drs. Chen and Etemadi are currently evaluating mung bean and adzuki bean as potential new pulse crops in eastern Montana. At this stop, Dr. Chen and Etemadi will present the studies that evaluate different pre-emergence herbicides for weed control in mung bean and adzuki bean. They will also present the seeding date and rate, and fertility/inoculant studies to evaluate the fertility needs of these beans.

9:30-9:45 a.m. – Mr. Keith Horton: Specialty canola to produce high omega-3 oil for fish farming

Mr. Keith Horton is the Site Leader and Senior Trial Agronomist for Cargill Specialty Seed and Oils in Great Falls. Cargill has developed specialty canola hybrids that produce omega-3 fatty acids. Keith will present the potential of these canola hybrids in Montana and utilization of the omega-3 canola oil for fish farming. He will discuss the history of this project and how it can benefit growers in Montana while reducing pressures on wild fish populations.

9:45 a.m.-9:55 a.m. – Mr. Duane Peters, Update of sugarbeet production and Sidney Sugars

Mr. Duane Peters is the Agriculture Manager at Sidney Sugars. He will update the audience on current sugarbeet production and introduce new agriculturists with Sidney Sugars.

9:55-10:10 a.m. – Drs. Apurba Sutradhar and Chengci Chen: Fall- and Spring-nitrogen application and foliar application and seed treatment of micronutrients to improve sugarbeet yield and sugar content in no-till and conventional tilled sugarbeet.

Dr. Apurba Sutradhar is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at MSU-EARC, who has a Ph.D. degree in Soil Science (Soil Fertility). Drs. Sutradhar and Chen are currently studying nutrient management (including micronutrients) to improve sugarbeet yield and sucrose concentration. At this stop, Drs. Sutradhar and Chen will present a study that compares fall-applied to spring-applied nitrogen, as well as foliar application of micronutrients on sugarbeet grown under no-till and conventional tilled conditions. Weed control under no-till sugarbeet will also be discussed.

10:10-10:25 a.m. – Dr. Frankie Crutcher: Fungicide seed treatment and foliar application to control sugarbeet root diseases

Root and foliar diseases can severally affect sugarbeet root yield and quality. At this stop, Dr. Crutcher will present a study that uses various seed treatment and foliar fungicides to control Rhizoctonia root and crown rot. A demonstration will present examples of diseased sugarbeet and discuss when farmers should and should not apply foliar fungicides for disease control.

10:25-10:35 a.m. travel to east side of the farm

10:35-10:50 a.m. – Drs. Chengci Chen and Apurba Sutradhar: Industrial hemp as a potential crop for eastern Montana?

Industrial hemp has been approved by 2018 Farm Bill as an alternative crop, but there is little information on the suitable varieties and agronomic practices for growing this crop. Drs. Chen and Sutradhar are currently testing industrial hemp varieties. At this stop, they will discuss with growers on potential hemp varieties for eastern Montana, and agronomic practices, such as seeding date and rate, fertility, and harvesting etc.

10:50-11:05 a.m. – Mr. Tim Fine, Update on Palmer Amaranth and other herbicide resistant weeds

Herbicide resistant weeds have become a concern to both dryland and irrigated growers. Mr. Tim Fine is the Extension Agent at Richland County Extension Office. He will update with the audience on the spread of Palmer Amaranth and other herbicide resistant weeds and management strategies.

11:05-11:20 a.m. – Dr. Jamie Sherman: Improving Barley for Montana

Dr. Jamie Sherman is the Barley Breeder at MSU-Bozeman. She will discuss the newly released malting barley "Buzz", named for grower Buzz Mattelin. She will also share developments of food and forage barley, as well as the newly instituted winter barley breeding program.

11:20-11:35 a.m. – Dr. Luther Talbert: Spring wheat breeding and new Varieties

Dr. Luther Talbert is the Spring Wheat Breeder at MSU-Bozeman. He will update with the audience the spring wheat breeding program in Bozeman and newly released spring wheat varieties.

11:35-11:50 a.m. – Dr. Gautam Pradhan and Mr. Shuang Zhou, Using hand-held and UAV mounted multi-spectrum camera to characterize spring wheat genotypes

Dr. Gautam Pradhan is a Research Agronomist at NDSU-Williston Research and Extension Center and Mr. Shuang Zhou is a Research Associate at MSU-EARC. They are currently studying spring wheat genotypes for different yield, protein, and drought tolerance traits. They will demonstrate the hand-held device and drone that is equipped with a multi-spectrum camera to scan spring wheat nurseries for those traits.

11:50-12:05 p.m. – Dr. Bart Stevens, Cropping systems studies

Bart Stevens is a Research Agronomist with USDA-ARS Northern Plain Agricultural Research Laboratory. He will present to the audience the studies the USDA-ARS conducted at the EARC-irrigated farm.

12:10 – 1:10 p.m. – Lunch. Dr. Darrin Boss, Department Head of Research Centers will provide an update of the Research Centers Department and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station.

1:10 p.m. – Field Day Program Adjourned.


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